William ( Billy) Walker-Wavell BSc Sp Ex Sc RPT YTT 500 hours, FRCMs Physiotherapist /Yoga therapist

We have many services to treat you.


The concepts of anatomy, kinesiology, physiology and research form the basis of the Physiotherapy approach. Neuro-musculoskeletal Physiotherapy is a specialized area of practice concerned with restoration of healthy movement patterns and the elimination of pain in muscles and joints. The examination consists of observing movement based on kinesiological principles and testing muscle length and strength, joint movements and neural mobility. Since the earliest days of the profession, Physiotherapists have used this type of examination to assess physical performance and to design exercise programs. Manual therapy is another subset of the profession which involves the mobilization or manipulations of joints.

Joint mobilizations

Joint mobilizations include gentle hands on manual therapy to alleviate joint pain and or stiffness. Mobilizations with movement are often applied for maximum effectiveness.

Neural mobilization

Neural mobilization involves moving the neural tissue through the body and is often a good adjunct to joint mobilizations and soft tissue mobilizations.

Soft tissue mobilization

Soft tissue mobilizations include hands on manual therapy to alleviate tight and or painful muscles or soft tissues including fascia. This can improve the overall range of movement in joints and reduce muscle tension and pain.

Exercise Prescription

Exercise prescription involves recommending exercises and or stretches to compliment any hands on treatment provided. Exercise therapy is often performed individually at home after having been instructed and coached with your Physiotherapist. It's an effective treatment that can be used for a variety of conditions. Research shows that exercise therapy can improve mobility, quality of life, reduce pain and improve function in a variety of conditions listed in the conditions section.

Strength, conditioning and balance programs

Strength, conditioning and balance programs are recommended for joint health, fall and injury prevention.

Yoga therapy

Yoga therapy is the use of Yoga postures and breathing exercises to stimulate healing in the body and mind. It is a gentle form of movement and relaxation applied specifically with the intention of improving health. This form of Yoga is widely practised in classes, often called Hatha Yoga, but can be taught one to one, and may involve meditation, imagery and breath work ( Pranayama). Research shows that Yoga therapy is beneficial for back pain, depression and PTSD.


Treatments are suitable for all ages and levels of fitness. The benefits of a holistic program including yoga therapy can enhance nervous system function and overall health.

Home visits

Home visits are available for those with mobility issues, falls or after a recent surgery.

For further information on the conditions we treat and services we offer, or to book an appointment please call 07889622566, email: billwavell@gmail.com

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How to find us...

Address: Shalcombe Manor, Brook Road, Shalcombe, Isle of Wight. PO41 OUF View on Google Maps